We are recruiting someone specialized in scientific computing to work on multi-scale modelling of plants and vegetation in pure Julia, mainly:
- VirtualPlantLab/PlantSimEngine.jl: A simulation engine for models related to plants (github.com)
- VEZY/MultiScaleTreeGraph.jl: Read and write MTG files, compute with DataFrames.jl’s alike syntax, and convert into a DataFrame or a MetaGraph. (github.com)
- PalmStudio/PlantMeteo.jl: Compute meteorology variables related to plants / crops (github.com)
Application Deadline: 24/04.
Master’s degree required. The contract is for 7 months, starting in May and ending in December.
The job requires the employee to work on-site, with the option of working from home for two days per week.
More information here: 52423 (umontpellier.fr)
Sorry, it’s in French, but English-speaking people are welcome of course!